As I am waiting for vespa to finish a few skills i need for a project I decided to use her to give faction warfare a before I start, vespa is not at present a combat all.
Anyway I signed her up with the federation (a decision made by the fact it was the only faction she has any standing with) and hopped in a t1 fit merlin to try my hand.
I found myself out in loes with our system being plexed by a nasty caldari type...doing a little research I found the pilot was only 2 months old and in a navy hookbill. I knew my skills were shit but had to give it a shot. I warped into the plex and she ran!
I had a little dig in local and started turning the plex back to ours. After a few mins she warped back in...clearly didnt like being called a wuss in local. So my indy pilot took on her faction frig in a t1 fit did not end well. I should have kept range better but really vespa just couldnt hit hard enough with t1 rails. I popped . Not to be a sore loser i offered a gf in local and congratulated the pilot on having the balls to come back.
Then I decided fair play was done and switched toons to astral...and discovered something I didnt know, you cant enter a minor plex with a AF. Bollox.
Denied an easy kill..
I spent a bit of time after this playing round with some fits and have come up with one I cant wait to try tonight , originally to kill fw pilots but should be pretty good against most frigs if I pick my fights well. I will keep you updated.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
A bit of fun.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
time and isk

Monday, 16 July 2012
Of lowsec and faction warfare
A while back..maybe a year or so I and a lot of others were saying lowsec was empty. The mechanics were great but no one but pirates and the odd explorer lived there.
Since I have come back to the game I have spent a lot of my time in lowsec, and I have been seriously impressed with the change, FW seems to have given low a new lease of life,areas are teeming with industrialists and FW pilots exploiting low (in a good way), this has led to great times for piracy and small gangs!
I only really have 1 grumble..The faction warfare sites make it to easy to run away! you enter most of these sites through a acceleration gate and the objective is about 60-75 km away giving the pilots doing the site an age to warp out if a member of the opposing milita or a piwate arrives!
My idea to stop this slightly is to introduce a mechanic that when you use a acceleration gate to reach a deadspace pocket it overloads your warp core and has a 5 min countdown before you can warp again.
This wont stop people doing the sites fast but means you are commited when u warp in..and not just the inital pilot any attacker could easily become the victim if reinforcements show up...
Just an idea, what do you think?
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Fun and Games
Friday, 6 July 2012
New corp for astral.
It's official. I am now a proud member of the Black Dragon fighting society! The sister corp to the black rebel rifter club and part of the devils tattoo alliance.
What that means to anyone unsure is im going back to piracy in a BIG way and going to be flying with some very cool people! I shall be posting all my glorious kills and stupid losses here and hopefully atractying some more new recruits and potential pirates to the black dragons!
I have taken a pic of my custom built pirate tools...their will be rectal breaches coming up.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Another splosion
Monday, 2 July 2012
Ok happy people let me explain my post earlier.....
I was at work today reading some blogs, one in particular I enjoy is the brutor bullfighter and the black rebel rifta lot, I was reading also about them in through newb eyes and thought they seem like a cool corp if I decide to get back into some pirate action.
So I took a look at their forums and what they want to let you join, one thing stood out..a recent kill or loss mail and a discription of the fight.
Now other than a couple of idiotic losses lately due to playing afk I didnt have a good kill mail for show and tell, so i decided to travel to heild listed as the black rebels home system and pick a fight...preferably with the bull fighter himself for a fun loss or kill mail.
When I got home I built a custom punisher and flew down to heild..and after asking in local and the rebels local channel for a 1v1 and a small game of chase with a one wanted to fight.
I was determined I would fight someone...after a few moments i found a rifta on scan and asked the guy in local for a 1v1..
To my suprise mane dust accepted, we agreed to warp to a station can flip and I landed on station I found a few canes sitting there so warped out and made a safe, i invited mane to fleet and let him warp to me...he made it past the canes and landed 30km from me.
I locked him up and sped towards him my 150mm autocannon's (yes on a punisher) started chewing up his sheild with fleet emp, it looked a fair fight until we hit armor he could barely scratch my tank and as i switched to my armour shreder's his armour melted like butter.
A few moments later he popped and offered a good fight as did I. In the rest of the convo he mentioned he was new at this... But he dodged canes...he flew his pod out before i could lock..he didnt seem that new?!?
Checking the age of his toon, he was less than a month guess is a new pvp alt. I felt bad as he never really had a chance with those skills. I offered some encouragement and after asking for any other takers for a 1v1 docked for the evening.
The kill mail is Here.
Fly classy