3x small beams II
T2 scram
T2 ab
T2 regen nano
100mm plate
T2 small rep
Skadi cooling sys
And asked in the Corp who wanted to come get blown up... No one did so, I went alone.
My thinking was pirates start somewhere and with crap ships so I'd find and kill them. It's harder than it sounds, I flew through over 30 low sec systems trying to get a pirate to kill me, often shouting in local " mr piwate please come kill me!"

But they didn't I got close to a dremeil and a rokah fight but both wouldn't shoot first, every one else thought it was a tarp lol
Moral of the story... Low sec is safe for crazy people
My first low sec roam.. A fail but not for the reasons I expected.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Lol, low sec is like that sometimes. Here's a better punisher fit, imho:
ReplyDelete3x 150mm Autocannons
Small Nos / Neut
1mn AB II
J5b scram
Small Armor Rep II
Rigs to taste, ex:
Aux Nano
Generally lazors not so good for short range frigate pew. ACs >> lazers - less cap use, more dps, similar flexibility.
When I get my blasters up to snuff. The offer still stands for some 1 vs 1 mate!
ReplyDeleteI've been in lowsec twice now. Once for some mission and another to snag some mods. I was disapointed that no one even tried to lock me.
If you are just flying between gates and stations, low sec can be navigated relatively safely... most of the time. If you want to die, stop off at a planet or a belt and wait a few minutes. Someone will usually be along.
ReplyDeleteT2 gatling pulse with Scorch S/Impreial Multifreq S could be OK.
ReplyDeleteI find named AB better then T2 on ships which aren't fast.
If you plate, make it count. 200mm is really a minimum. Tungsten. Otherwise add more resists to boost the repper efficiency.
T2 scram is a choice thing. I put J5b normally, slightly shorter range, 20k ISKs.
Adaptive Nano Plating II is better then regenerative. Really, regenerative is only useful on capital ships (where a plate would be stupid and 4x EANM would do nothing).
Nos. You have a repper so you'll need cap. You don't have cap injector (doesn't fit) so you couldn't possibly use both Repper and Neut for more then like 15 seconds.
Damage Control!! Basically doubles or more your structure HP and improves the resists all around... Without stacking penalty.
I'd try: 3x T2 gatling pulse, Nos (some named 8mw, other 9mw), Cold-Gas Arcjet AB, J5b scram, T2 repper, T2 Adaptive Nano Plating, Damage Control 2, heat sink.
ACs are nice, but T2 ACs are *so* much better. Also, ACs fit so easily.
Bring yourself and your punisher down to Evati and I'll gladly shoot at you. in fact, bring a few spares and I'll do it more than once. All in the name of helping a guy out you understand ;)
ReplyDeleteGuys, thanks for tips and offers to kill me! Lol.
ReplyDeleteSob. I'll take you up on that duel if there is a way to do it without taking a sec hit? Let me know when and where! Also have been training autocannons as it seems one of the best fits, and I have first hand how effective it is. Will be t2 by Thursday.
Hey Astral,
ReplyDeleteI'm suprised you didn't hit me up for helping you out on this. =O
I gave you the amazing AC fit Puni fit a while a go, suprised your not flying it!
If you want to come out on a roam with a few pirates then I am more than willing to take you out on a TBRA frigate roam with our boys, you'll have to join our TS channel tho.
If you want to dual someone it can be easily done. Jettison a can with 1 round of ammo in it and get the person you want to dual to take it. U then have rights to shoot him and as soon as you scram him he has rights on you with no sec hits.
3 x 200mm AC II
1 x NOS
1 x J5B Scram
1 x X5 Named web
1 x Cold-gas Thrusters
1 x 400mm Reinforced Rolled Tungten plates
1 x Damage Control II
I would fit Trimarks to this fit as it will push your EHP to over 10k on a frigging frigate!
This is the best frigate in the game next to the Rifter. I have never been able to beat it in a Rifter or Incursus. I even tried and tailed in a Thorax but that was T1 fitted.
Give me a shout ingame and I can work something out with you coming along with TBRA.
Mail, I was planing on using the fit you gave me but didn't have auto cannons trained, I have now fixed that and by tomorrow will have T2 AC's and be using your fit.
ReplyDeleteI am quite up for joining you guys on a roam, only problem is the Corp I'm in is anti pirate and would most likely boot me for killing carebears! So I'm having to pick fights with pirates instead, if you wanna go roaming and kill fellow pirates I will join you no probs lol.
Well you could come along for the roam and us pirates can try and get neutrals while you watch. If we find a red outlaw we can engage him as well and then you CAN join in.
ReplyDeleteWe don't care if they're red, yellow, grey or rainbow coloured to be honest. As long as we can get kills and or ransoms!
Mail, that fit won't work... Punisher's got 2 mids, not 3.
ReplyDeleteLike Mail set, we just swap some ammo in a jet can and then have at it. We can choose to warp in on the can too for the element of learning to close/create distance. I am about 7 days from half deacent small T2 blaster skills for the Incursus.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Mail is going to take you for a spin with the crew. those boys have a lot more to teach than I.
Either way. I'll gladly square off anytime we can find a moment online to do so. I have some T1 fit frigs I can bring now ;)
Cheers and have fun with the Yarrrs!
Always make me sad to hear that someone went to low-sec and didn't get shot at. Of course I don't know which area of space you chose to go to.
ReplyDeleteIf you're ever in the Verge Vendor area and want to find a fight drop by Hevrice and surrounding area, sit at a belt or planet for a few minutes and you'll not be disappointed. You can always arrange 1v1's with an honourable local pirate I'm sure. Also, you're concerned about sec status hits. Shooting an outlaw doesn't lower it.