Astral has left faction warfare..for now, I have left vespa in the crimson guard as I still think f/w is a good laugh but I want to focus on exploration a bit for the next year or so.
With that inmind astral has taken back control of my holding corp "sentinal industries (343i)", named as a little nod to the halo franchise which I also enjoy. I will for the next year or so be building a large database of all exploration sites, how to find and run them and blogging a little about the experiance.
Some posts will be reveiws of sites I have run some may be combat reports and some will be fan fiction depending on my mood.
I see sentinal industries mainly as a solo corp, however I am willing to let people in who wish to learn exploration or pool knowlage or resourses, however as exploration sites are finite anyone joining would be based several jumps away so we dont overlap but close enough to lend a hand..and i would only teach people that play at the same times as point if we never see each other.
But I digress.
I have a lot of side ideas to this project, for one id like to build a reliable trade hub in placid lowsec to supply lowsec types.
I would also like to start a shared channel purely for people doing exploration to share info lend a hand and pass on intel about gate camps and roaming fleets, however this requires the imput of many explorers and we tend to be overly secretive.
If anyone would be interested in any of these ideas email me in game or leave a comment and we will try to work something out.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Sentinal industries
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Fan fiction-Jaspers fortune pt 1
Med bays were nothing new to jasper. He had found himself in and out of them through his breif career. The gallante navy had seemed a good career choise..good money, stable job, they didnt tell him in 6 months he would be blown to hell 3 times..
The last time jasper had been working as a engineer on a frigate defending a small information relay..the caldari had payed off a few capsuleers to take the relay out..which they had with their usual ruthless efficiancy.
Jasper had made it to the escape pod but not before a plasma conduit blew scorching the left side of his face.
The doctors could fix it of course...but plastic surgery was expensive..jasper didnt have that kind of money, he never normally had more than the cost of living another week in his account, and when there was more , he drank it!
When Jasper was discharged from the med unit with a few hundred credits and a thank you for his "participation" in the gallante war effort, it wasnt really suprising he headed for the local bar.
He was almost half way through his first drink when a man sat beside him at the bar, from the way he was dressed he had money..lots of money.
"You look like hell, you should really get that face looked at" said the guy "been looked at..cant afford the repairs right now, unless you wanna lend a war vet some cash"...thats how the conversation started that would be one of the most important in jaspers life...this guy was crew on a ship owened by a capsuleer, people signed up with capsuleers a lot, they paid a crazy amount of money but your life expectancy was pretty low! trip and jasper could fix his face up..maybe even buy a little ship of his own, the more he drank..the better the idea sounded..and apparently this capsuleer paid very well...he mainly explored little deadspace pockets, that wasnt as dangerous as all that was it? By the end of his sixth drink..he was sold on the idea..and his new drinking buddy alex was gonna take him back to the hanger to meet the head mechanic and see if they had a job for him
..and to meet the big boss, something dominix....
Thursday, 27 September 2012
A small huge project
A while back i started trying to do a explorqtion guide...I intend to finish it with a database of every known site, and how to run may take a while but plans are coming into place i just need a few more skills to finish up..and maybe a t3 ship for the null sec sites.
Happy hunting
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Infrastructure hubs...
The war with the squids is not going as well as i would hope..while a lot of systems are vulnerable to attack it seems we cant/wont send out a bunker busting fleet to bring some systems back under our control.. I am finding this very irritating.
I did in a moment of bordom and madness attempt to retake the ihub with a didnt work. Then 3 frig's tried...that didnt work either. (bit like taking down a POS)
Then i got bored and went looking for a fight. The other frigs found a gang in intaki and got themselves all blown up (tbf one frig didnt even have was more of a lolz thing) i missed that fight. However on there way back to change ships they ran into the talented Rixx from Evoganda..he very bravely took on my comet in a 1v1 in his new slasher fit... And won. I even landed on him close enough to web and scram and set a flight of ecm drones on him...but he still came out on top! Gotta give him props for A good fight and a blinding fit. Wish there were more like him in low that always look for a fight, ignore the odds and honor 1v1's.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
So I havent been on much this weekend but it seems my lowsec home of loes was captured by the squids! This is rather irritating as I have a few ships holed up there.
I do have a corp mate with a carrier alt that could easily move them to another system for me however..its MY BLOODY SYSTEM!
I will therefore be attempting to kick the squids out as soon as posible...
If any gall milita pilots are reading this- please plex the fuck out of loes and the surrounding systems, and if I can convince a few peeps to join me once the systems are vulnerable I will be rolling in combat shops to retake..if I can get it together a small fleet.
That is all.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Wicked warchild
So at the moment in the crimson guards, it seems to be just me and one other guy on and active a lot of the time in the eu timezone, his name is wicked warchild and after a few nights off chatting we are getting on pretty well..
So last night warchild decided to move a bit closer to me so we can team up for some pvp fun when the big fleets arn't out and we started arsing around hunting in loes and argoze, I was flying a venge and warchild was in a comet. after a little while we found a catalyst running a minor plex, we made a quick plan for warchild to go in and start a fight then warp to the sun hopefully drawing the dessie out of the plex to a ambush as my assult frig cant enter the minors. Sadly the catalyst didnt go for the bait but during the fun a rifter turned up and sat on the accel I warped over to see if i could get him to fight ..I landed locked him up and began shooting from about 35 km, as I called for warchild to join me a flashy thrasher landed behind me..sensing a trap I bugged out to assess, aparently so did the rifter. Which left warchild and the thrasher about sitting about 70 km apart..
I warped back to warchild and burned for the thrasher but in an armour ship your not exactly I made my first mistake at about 35 km I asked warchild in his much faster ship to grab tackle, the dessie wasnt running I should have waited until I was closer.
Warchild got the tackle and started melting the dessie but popped as the dessie entered that point I was entering optimal and finished the thrasher off. Apparently warchild also forgot to start his repper qickly enough so without those two minor cockups we probably wouldnt have lost a ship.
I did offer to pay for the comet as it was my call to grab tackle early but warchild was happy with the fight, I did insist he took the loot as compensation. All in all I think it could be the beginings of a superb little pvp team!
If any of this sounds like your cup of tea and your looking to join up with the gall milita, drop me or kirith kodachi an eve mail and have a chat about joining up, we are looking for people with the right intrests and good attitudes to join our team.
Fly classy.
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
I have been enjoying my time in Faction warfare so far, the mix of casual pvp and the ease of making isk suit faction warfare to a casual playstyle, however listening to milita chat has made me aware of a problem putting off a lot of peeps.
Quite a few people have joined the militas with the sole intention of killing other members of the malita that let them get close thinking they are freindly!
This hasnt been a problem for me as after a long time living in low I am completly paranoid and treat everyone as hostile until they prove diffrrent, however a lot of carebears moving to FW are getting powned by not being cautious. For example if your running a plex in low and another ship warps in ..ignore the fact they are your milita.. If they burn towards you, at best they are looking to steal the site reward normaly they are looking to pod you too.
Also dont jump into fleets with people you dont know..check them out first, a quick look at battle clinic will show if they are killing freindly's.
Of course the best way to avoid most of this crap is expirence and join a player corp doing FW. I am hoping we get a few more recruits in the kadaver crimson guards soon looking to fight for the gallante milita. Its a nice relaxed corp that lets you get on with whats interesting you, the corp is quite small at the moment but if we get some more members i could see us having corp fleets going out now and again as a suplement to the alliance fleets which can be hit or miss.
may even finish my leadership plan off and try a bit of fc'ing. If anyone is looking to get into FW with the gallante drop a ingame mail to kirith kodachi to have chat.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Last night i tested a will lead to kills I think, I also learned you cannot capture a FW site while cloaked.
Conversely you could sit a few km off a becon cloaked and the timer wouldnt give away your sitting there...
That is all.
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Kadaver crimson guard
Ok.. I am now signed up with kadaver crimson guard, The faction warfare division of the kadavees lol
Most of my time has been spent plexing..lack of funds and an easy income arnt hard to put together.
Each month as a faction wide event all pilots donate LP to raise our teir making the remaining points we cash out worth much more..for the gallante it should be the first saturday of each month, at that point I should become richer than I have ever been. As a side bonus I have been promoted ..doesnt make much difference.
I did manage to get out on another roam this afternoon.. As a rule the fleets in the millita are a lot less structured than im used to, most are bring what you like and the FC's can be hit or miss. Also it can quickly decend into a blob fest..however there are a few talented fc's and getting onto those fleets can be a lot of fun !
Tonight i only took out a thrasher as I didnt know the fc but we did ok ..the fleet ran into a trio of bc's to begin..2 got away however this cyclone melted fast. Sadly I missed his freind coming back to try and save him as the fc asked me to make a safe to wait for other members of the fleet to catch up.
Shortly after this we ran into a large BS pirate gang with way more logi than us...we all died good thing the thrasher was cheep lol.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Simple idea..better game
I have been running FW plexs for the last few days to bump my isk up and have been reading up on running them. Most people try to hunt people in the plex's ( either as pirates or a opposing FW pilot) however unless you are super fast it is very hard to catch the people plexing ..this is bad. We want/need a game where things explode a lot.
My idea to fix this is very simple... Just like in a level 4 let the rats have a chance (good chance too this is the navy your ment to be fighting) to web and scram you!
This does two things, you will actually have to kill the rats not just tank them and if you a inconvinient moment , you gotta fight!
Sunday, 5 August 2012
I have given in...
After a fruitless morning of chasing fw pilots around plex's, I have given in to the nagging thought i have had for a week or so..try faction warfare yesterday I left the black dragons, which sucked a bit as they have some awsome pilots to fly with :-(
I intend to join a FW corp soon..I have one in mind if they will have me (most fw corps seem a little adverse to ex pirates) until then I will sit in the generic milita corp to earn myself some isk for some shiney navy ships.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Vespa makes a start
Well the devils tattoo alliance ( black rebel rifter club and black dragon fighting ) are joining the war between RvB and the NC..
Should be fun MATE ;)
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
A bit of fun.
As I am waiting for vespa to finish a few skills i need for a project I decided to use her to give faction warfare a before I start, vespa is not at present a combat all.
Anyway I signed her up with the federation (a decision made by the fact it was the only faction she has any standing with) and hopped in a t1 fit merlin to try my hand.
I found myself out in loes with our system being plexed by a nasty caldari type...doing a little research I found the pilot was only 2 months old and in a navy hookbill. I knew my skills were shit but had to give it a shot. I warped into the plex and she ran!
I had a little dig in local and started turning the plex back to ours. After a few mins she warped back in...clearly didnt like being called a wuss in local. So my indy pilot took on her faction frig in a t1 fit did not end well. I should have kept range better but really vespa just couldnt hit hard enough with t1 rails. I popped . Not to be a sore loser i offered a gf in local and congratulated the pilot on having the balls to come back.
Then I decided fair play was done and switched toons to astral...and discovered something I didnt know, you cant enter a minor plex with a AF. Bollox.
Denied an easy kill..
I spent a bit of time after this playing round with some fits and have come up with one I cant wait to try tonight , originally to kill fw pilots but should be pretty good against most frigs if I pick my fights well. I will keep you updated.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
time and isk

Monday, 16 July 2012
Of lowsec and faction warfare
A while back..maybe a year or so I and a lot of others were saying lowsec was empty. The mechanics were great but no one but pirates and the odd explorer lived there.
Since I have come back to the game I have spent a lot of my time in lowsec, and I have been seriously impressed with the change, FW seems to have given low a new lease of life,areas are teeming with industrialists and FW pilots exploiting low (in a good way), this has led to great times for piracy and small gangs!
I only really have 1 grumble..The faction warfare sites make it to easy to run away! you enter most of these sites through a acceleration gate and the objective is about 60-75 km away giving the pilots doing the site an age to warp out if a member of the opposing milita or a piwate arrives!
My idea to stop this slightly is to introduce a mechanic that when you use a acceleration gate to reach a deadspace pocket it overloads your warp core and has a 5 min countdown before you can warp again.
This wont stop people doing the sites fast but means you are commited when u warp in..and not just the inital pilot any attacker could easily become the victim if reinforcements show up...
Just an idea, what do you think?
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Fun and Games
Friday, 6 July 2012
New corp for astral.
It's official. I am now a proud member of the Black Dragon fighting society! The sister corp to the black rebel rifter club and part of the devils tattoo alliance.
What that means to anyone unsure is im going back to piracy in a BIG way and going to be flying with some very cool people! I shall be posting all my glorious kills and stupid losses here and hopefully atractying some more new recruits and potential pirates to the black dragons!
I have taken a pic of my custom built pirate tools...their will be rectal breaches coming up.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Another splosion
Monday, 2 July 2012
Ok happy people let me explain my post earlier.....
I was at work today reading some blogs, one in particular I enjoy is the brutor bullfighter and the black rebel rifta lot, I was reading also about them in through newb eyes and thought they seem like a cool corp if I decide to get back into some pirate action.
So I took a look at their forums and what they want to let you join, one thing stood out..a recent kill or loss mail and a discription of the fight.
Now other than a couple of idiotic losses lately due to playing afk I didnt have a good kill mail for show and tell, so i decided to travel to heild listed as the black rebels home system and pick a fight...preferably with the bull fighter himself for a fun loss or kill mail.
When I got home I built a custom punisher and flew down to heild..and after asking in local and the rebels local channel for a 1v1 and a small game of chase with a one wanted to fight.
I was determined I would fight someone...after a few moments i found a rifta on scan and asked the guy in local for a 1v1..
To my suprise mane dust accepted, we agreed to warp to a station can flip and I landed on station I found a few canes sitting there so warped out and made a safe, i invited mane to fleet and let him warp to me...he made it past the canes and landed 30km from me.
I locked him up and sped towards him my 150mm autocannon's (yes on a punisher) started chewing up his sheild with fleet emp, it looked a fair fight until we hit armor he could barely scratch my tank and as i switched to my armour shreder's his armour melted like butter.
A few moments later he popped and offered a good fight as did I. In the rest of the convo he mentioned he was new at this... But he dodged canes...he flew his pod out before i could lock..he didnt seem that new?!?
Checking the age of his toon, he was less than a month guess is a new pvp alt. I felt bad as he never really had a chance with those skills. I offered some encouragement and after asking for any other takers for a 1v1 docked for the evening.
The kill mail is Here.
Fly classy
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Saturday, 30 June 2012
I have posponed my impending return to null. After getting all my assets in line I didnt have the funds i assumed i did..a poultry 200 mill and a couple dozen ships but only 6 of any real use to me.
I withdrew my application to the corp i was looking at, the grey council, and havededicated the next few months to two goals...i need my own carrier to move ships and I have set my self a personal goal of 2 billion in my wallet!
Since my return mining seems to have become far moee getting insane amounts for ore. And my old fall back running lvl 4s in my trusty apoc. To this end i have formed a small indy corp to make me some isk, if astral takes a trip to null in the future I will leave vespa in charge of things.
If anyone is reading this and wants a indy corp to park an alt or in the evning run a lvl 4 around fricoure gimmie a shout in game !
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Ok I have decided to give null another shot. Hopefully I will get some good pew pew and make some isk.
I have considered joining some of my old contacts in null, but after some thought I decided to have a completly fresh expirence.
I have found a corp that after some research I like the look of and have applyed. Now have a few days to wait to find out if they like the look of me as well so I will be moving a few assets hauling fun..
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Im back
After nearly a year off, i have returned to the game that owns my heart, after a small trial of swtor I had to come back..I missed the intensity of the game that makes it feel so real.
As you can tell by the fact I became inactive after starting a 1 man didnt pan out as intended.
I am again at a crossroads..I have had some changes at home that will make voice comms possible, so I am trying to decide if i should go back to piracy or shall i give null sec another shot?
Over the next week or so I will be building some capital and moving assets around to make a leap one way or the other.